Thursday, January 10, 2013

CubeX Wins CES 2013 Emerging Technology Award!

It was a lot of fun watching the C/Net Best of CES 2013 Awards ceremony live feed.

That was especially true when I saw that the CubeX won the...


I have no idea when I might be able to see, and possibly test, the CubeX for myself.

When I made my first visit to see the Cube just after last year's CES, I traveled to Rock Hill.  Since I will be presenting at Hagley Museum, in Wilmington, DE where the Cube team will also be presenting, I expect to see the new Cube there.  But, I did not recognize any of the faces of the team that accepted the award for the CubeX.  And, since 3D Systems in located in a variety of locations, I have no idea where I might have to travel to be able to take a look at the CubeX and print some test objects.

But, it is something I have on my agenda.  And, when I do, you can be sure that you will get a full and honest appraisal of how it performs.  But, I WILL wait until I know that I am working with a true production model.  I want to know what users will experience as they try to use it.

In the meantime, let's just appreciate the accomplishments of the CubeX team.  Way to go!

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